Wednesday, March 26, 2014

"Battle for Bats" at the USFWS Environmental Film Festival

A friend alerted me to this short documentary about White Nose Syndrome, a fungal infection that is killing off a large part of the US bat population. It's currently screening at the Environmental Film Festival in Washington, DC:

The Battle for Bats: Surviving White Nose Syndrome

From the film's vimeo page:
"Battle For Bats: Surviving White Nose Syndrome was produced for the USDA Forest Service by Ravenswood Media. It shows how government and private agencies have come together to search for solutions to help our bat populations overcome WNS. The public can also play a role in the future of bats by providing habitat and surveying their populations. Bats are a critical component in a healthy forest ecosystem, plus they provide significant agricultural pest control and pollination. Their survival is essential for a sustainable natural environment."

A few years ago I created an installation about WNS, entitled hibernaculum. I've been following the progress of the disease since hearing about it in 2008 at the Chautauqua Institute. Glad to see people are still working to raise awareness of this environmental crisis!

hibernaculum at Fe Gallery, 2011

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